Choosing The Right Mattress For a Good Night’s Sleep

5 minute read

By Clarissa Mitton

When it comes to healthy living, many people prioritize diet and fitness, but sleep is just as important! And if you want a good night’s sleep, you need to invest in a quality mattress. There are many options to choose from, so it’s important to compare your options to find the right fit.

Why Sleep Is So Important

Before we dive into how to choose the right mattress, it’s important to fully grasp why you need to invest in a good one.

When it comes to health and wellness, sleep is often pushed to the sidelines. But the reality is, it’s arguably the most important pillar! Think of sleeping like charging your phone. You need to recharge your body every night to feel refreshed and alert the next day.1

On a deeper level, sleep also helps vital physical and physiological functions, such as:

Don’t underestimate the power of sleep!

Understanding Different Mattress Types

Now that you understand why sleep is important, you’ll want to know how to choose the right mattress for your sleeping style and needs. Whether you’re shopping in-store or online, navigating the choices can be overwhelming. So, let’s break down the different types of mattresses to help get you started.2

Innerspring Mattress

An innerspring mattress is the most traditional type of mattress and one that you’re likely familiar with. It’s made up of layers of coils surrounded by layers of material ranging from latex, foam, or natural fibers. There are different types of spring mattresses including continuous coil, Bonnell coil, offset coil, and pocketed coil, so it’s important to research and compare to find out which one fits your needs and budget.

This type of mattress is available in a wide range of firmness, great for many sleepers. There are also many budget-friendly options but you can get more luxurious models too. It’s also important to consider the potential cons, which include:

Foam Mattress

Another common type of mattress is a foam mattress, which is available in different-density foams to provide support and softness. Some common options include memory foam, gel foam, and polyfoam.

Foam mattresses are great for side sleepers, as the foam is softer on joints. They’re also great for sleepers who share a bed as they typically absorb motion. They’re also more durable than spring mattresses, usually lasting eight to 10 years.

There are a few potential disadvantages to consider. For starters, some foams may trap body heat, so it’s important to do your research and compare the different types of foam. Some soft foams may also cause a “sinking” feeling. It’s important to test different options in-store to make sure you feel comfortable. Finally, they are typically more expensive than spring mattresses, though you can still find affordable options!

Latex Mattress

If you’re looking for a balance of softness and support without the “sinking” feeling of a foam mattress, a latex mattress might be right for you! These types of mattresses are made of natural or synthetic rubber and are known for their responsiveness and bounce.3

Latex mattresses made from natural latex are a good eco-friendly, and hypoallergenic choice for eco-conscious sleepers. They’re also good for hot sleepers, as they offer temperature regulation. And they’re great for sleepers with back or joint pain. One potential con is they tend to be on the more expensive side, especially mattresses made from natural latex. Also, if you have a latex allergy, it’s best to steer clear of this type.

Hybrid Mattress

Perhaps the best of both worlds is the hybrid mattress. This type combines innerspring support with latex or memory foam layers. It’s meant to offer a combination of body contouring and bounce, the perfect balance if you want support and comfort.

These mattresses offer good airflow – great for hot sleepers! They also have less motion transfer, which is a good option for couples, restless sleepers, and heavier individuals. Like latex mattresses, hybrid mattresses can also be expensive but the investment might be worth it, depending on the type of sleeper you are!

Important Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mattress

Knowing the different types of mattresses is the first step in choosing the right one. The next step is considering some key factors.4 Some of these include:

By carefully considering these factors and doing your research, you can find the perfect mattress in no time!

Other Important Considerations

When shopping for mattresses, cost is another vital factor to consider. Many factors influence the price of the mattress, so set a budget and do your best to stick to it. Remember to balance cost with quality and durability. The cheapest option isn’t always the right fit!

You should also look into trial periods and warranties. Some brands offer a trial period, which allows you to try the mattress for a set amount of nights. This ensures it’s the right fit for you and you won’t waste money! Some companies also offer warranties, guaranteeing their products. Be sure to read the fine print so you fully understand what’s covered.

Learn More About Mattresses

Selecting the right mattress is crucial for a good night’s sleep and for maintaining overall health. While navigating the options can be overwhelming, understanding the different types and accessing important factors can steer you in the right direction.

Keep learning more about the different types of mattresses by shopping online and testing in-store to find the perfect one for you and your sleeping needs! Restful nights are ahead!

Clarissa Mitton
